Welcome To Warrior Shaman
Healing, Wisdom, Empowerment, and Transformation
Making Magick for the everyday, more tangible.
Meet Candice
Shamanic Healer and Activator
Since 2021, I have been learning and growing in the world of Shamanism and Witchcraft. By combining the power of the elements, my spirit guides, ancestors, and everything in between, I have created a spiritual team that helps me empower people to tidy up their throne rooms, and place that crown back on their heads. Bringing the knowledge I have learned, and continue to learn, with me. My goal is to help make magic more practical and tangible in our everyday lives, no matter how busy or chaotic they get. I walk alongside Athena and Ares, two very different sides of the coin of battle. Everyone is fighting a battle in some form or another and needs some extra support. My goal is to help you connect with your own spiritual team, to go, feel empowered, and know that you are not alone.
Each services and experience is specific to the client I am working with. All services are spirit lead and focused on Healing, Wisdom, and Empowerment.
Shamanic Healings and Activations
All of the services come with an element of psychic readings with them. These sessions are specific for just receiving messages from loved ones, ancestors, and spirit guides. This is more a discussion with a question and answer as I channel and connect to your spiritual team.
These services are specific for doing shamanic healings. This is where we remove cords, heal childhood trauma, understand our trauma and start to heal on an energetic level. The activation is the empowerment and key that comes after the healing.
Spirit Guide Connections
Psychic Readings
Everyone has a spirit guide and usualy multiple. These sessions are to create an introduction and figure out not only who they are, but what they mean to you and how they communicate with you. These sessions also come with messages on why and how they may be helping you at this moment. Some guides are with us for a lifetime while some are only for a short time.