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Sacred Services

Psychic Readings


My psychic readings have a Shamanic Flare to them. We sit together in an already set up sacred space to have a conversation with your guides and support group. I open myself up to your team and provide channeled messages with the use of my gifts to tell you some of the following messages depending on the answers you seek.


What blocks need to be over come to get to your goal that is required (love, work, friendships, personal health and wellness).


  • Specific messages from your guides that show up for you today. Please note that some may be ancestors but this is not done with intention like a medium.

  • Identification of one or more of your guides that will help you through your current transitions and paths.

  • Teachings/homework involving healing, spell craft, or release practices.




Shamanic Healings


This is a deeper guided journey where you are guided to my sacred space of healing in the astral plane. This is a highly protected place where you are unable to penetrate without a guide. This is where we are able to look at the soul body as well as the energetic body to see where the flow may be blocked and to help illuminate what may be affecting you. We will then help activate what needs to be done and heal what needs to be healed. This can involve one or more activations/healings depending on what yours request. For example, if you are wanting to focus on self confidence. That may involve work in both the solar plexus, heart, and root to help anchor everything fully. 


For the 30 minutes:

  • Clearing your Auric Field

  • Chakra Alignment and Empowerment

  • Deep grounding and rebalancing

  • Cord cutting for work you have already
    started the root work.


For the 1 Hour

  • Inner child healing

  • Angry Teenager Healing

  • Trauma Healing

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Deep cord cuttings

  • Chakra Activation




Animal Guide




This 30 minutes guided meditation and spiritual journey on connecting with who your most prominent guide is at this moment. This will let you feel their energy and them a guided message on how to connect with them deeper and how they will be able to communicate with you. This can be animal, deity, galactic, fae, and anything in between.



Chakra Alignment


This is where we see where your flow is being blocked or if you just need helping clicking your current magic into place. This can also help with something in your auric field, or just some guidance on possible next steps you need to take.



Deeper Learning of Yourself


When you are first starting your path to become the best version of you in a spiritual self, it can be scary. There is so much out there that it is overwhelming. The reason is because this world is experience based. We can all be standing in the same room, watching something and get something different out of it. That is where I can help. First we talk about you, and figure out where you want to start. Then together as a team we go down this path, you as a leader of your own journey. I am just there to give guidance, encouragement, and messages that I receive from spirit. In these sessions we can do anything you need. Validation, Healings, Activations, Research, Exploration, Teachings, and Experiences. The goal of the sessions is to help you lay the foundation for the rest of your journey. This is a six month program meeting once a month for 2 hours each session. I look forward to creating this container with you and your guides.



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